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My Poems

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Waiting, wondering,
not wanting to, but loving you.
Real or make believe?
A dream, a fantasy?
Wondering, waiting,
if we could ever really be,
not wanting to, but loving you.

"So Kiss Me In The Ocean"

Ocean majesty, love on a salt air breeze.
Look at the horizon,
peace and contentment,
so kiss me in the ocean.
Beauty, power, music in the waves,
gifts of God,
so immense, so precious.
Sharing in love, so kiss me in the ocean.
Sun does set, until another day,
to return soon,
for peace, for beauty,
for God's sweet music,
to kiss you in the ocean.

"As I Walk"

As I walk, in awe of splendor,
could sky be any bluer.
music in the woods,
rustling leaves by breezes.
colors give heartfelt smiles,
memories of past autumn days.
leaf covered path, sound and scent,
as a child again.
tall pine, hugged by scarlet leaves
of one not before seen in it's shadow.
brown leaf falls silently,
one will come again,
splendor renewed.

"Life In The Trees"

God's Precious creatures,
hearts so innocent and pure.
At home in the trees.
Befriending them, a gift
Human hearts, not so innocent and pure.
God creates,
for protection, for life.
Human destroys, for greed, for progress,
in a world too progressed.
On a morning bright and fair,
blue as sky can be,
listen to them, happily, in life, in the trees.
Knowing not of greed or progress.
Ever trusting, of God's trees,
for protection, for life.


Earth, sky, sea, air, so near yet ever far.
Let them in,
to heart, mind, soul.
Four seasons, different are they,
all are beautiful in their way.
Flowers bloom, fade and bloom again.
Birds fly, fly away and fly back again.
Trees adorn their leaves, lose them and adorn again.
All is wonderment, there is time.



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